Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine is a system of health and wellness that considers the entire picture of your body to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Considerations include (but are not limited to) diet, hormones, genetics, environmental factors, prior medical history, supplementation, etc.
In a functional medicine consultation, Dr. Brent Carlini will review your entire health history with you and get you on a natural wellness plan that leads you toward your best health and well-being.
How to get started:
Schedule some time with Dr. Carlini to talk about whether Functional Medicine is the right fit for you at this time. You can book this here. At this time, Dr. Carlini will send you intake forms and schedule you for your free consultation.
After your free consultation, Dr. Carlini will send you a set of intake forms to complete before your initial evaluation. If you did not receive the intake forms please reach out.
This is where you learn about Functional Medicine, and gain some clarity about where you're going, why we test, and what your treatment plan might look like.
During this 60-minute session you will review your health history, medical history, current lifestyle. Dr. Carlini will assimilate this information into a timeline and determine which systems are under stress.
After the initial evaluation, Dr. Carlini will recommend a series of functional medicine tests that will help gear your treatment plan. Testing may include blood tests, stool tests, urine tests, or saliva tests. These tests typically will include:
Baseline Bloodwork
Baseline Nutrition, Sleep, and Exercise Tracking
Specialized Testing based on systems that are showing signs of stress
After baseline testing has been completed, you and Dr. Carlini will meet again to review the results of the Functional Medicine Matrix, Functional Medicine TImeline, Lab Work, and Nutrition, Sleep, and Exercise Tracking sheets. From here, a treatment plan will be generated.
Treatment plans are customized to you, so this step will vary based on your individual needs. A schedule will be determined based on your communications with Dr. Carlini.