Our Favorite Ted Talk: Gratitude

Happy Autumnal Equinox on Sept 23rd! It's official, the days are now shorter than the nights. πŸŒ—πŸŒ˜πŸŒ‘πŸŒ’πŸŒ“

But we wont let that get to us this year!

Join us in moving forward with an intention of inner peace. Let us celebrate the true meaning of the Autumnal Equinox. 

Give Thanks
for abundant crops or other blessings.
This is a time of plenty, gratitude, and
sharing abundance with others.

Be grateful for what has grown in your life. Protect
and secure the energy you have achieved. Admire your
self-confidence, prosperity, harmony, and balance.

Reflect on the positive attributes that have brought you
this harvest. Learn from what worked and what did
not. Release the fears and attachments of what no
longer serves you.

Charge your energy with inner peace and strength for
the darker months.

Celebrate: Decorate with acorns, pine cones, and fruit
from the trees. Use autumn colored candles, and feast
with root vegetables of the earth. πŸ‚πŸŒ½πŸŽ

These seemingly small actions can have a HUGE impact on the days ahead. Even something as simple as decorating can spark positive vibes and remind us to embrace joys of the present moment!

Watch our Favorite Ted Talk!

Take a journey about embracing the present moment with cinematographer, Louie Schwartzberg. Time-Lapse Photography is an artform that grasps the beauty of nature and gratitude.

Tap the video to watch!
*We recommend being in a quiet space to fully absorb the meditative experience. Use headphones to truly embrace the moment.

Did you feel the nature, beauty, and gratitude?

This video never fails to get us into a gratitude mindset. When we pause, we see life is a gift. In every moment there is beauty around us and within us.

We would love to hear your reflections in the comments. 😊

~ Dr. Brent and Mara


Unlock Better Sleep: Functional Tips for a Restful Night


Spreading Positivity: Transform your Life with the Magic of Gratitude